3 - 5 October 2019
Sri Lanka, Colombo Hilton, Grand Ballroom
58thACI Financial Markets Association World Congress – “Discovering the role of Markets in the new paradigm”
The prestigious 58thACI World Congress will be held from 3rd to 5th October 2019 at the Grand Ballroom, Colombo Hilton Sri Lanka.
Congress Programme:
3 October:
Opening Ceremony & Cocktails (7 pm onwards)
4-5 October:
ACI World Congress – Business Sessions
5 October (evening):
Gala Dinner Dance / Cocktails (8.30 pm onwards)
- Registration fee: USD 1,000/- up to 31st August 2019.
- Accompanying spouse/partner programme fee: USD 500/- (Normal fee USD 600/-)
For more information, please refer to this website: