12 January 2023
LSEG Auditorium
6 January 2023
Event Overview
In light of the COVID19 situation and pursuant to the relevant order under the COVID19 (Temporary Measures) Act 2020 (Alternative Arrangements for Meetings for Registered Societies), Financial Markets Association of Singapore, will be adopting alternative arrangements in relations to the 49th Annual General Meeting which will be held by way of electronic means on Thursday, 12th January 2023 at 6pm to transact the following business. Members may also attend the AGM physically at LSEG Auditorium, One Raffles Quay, North Tower Level 28, Singapore 048583. There will be light bites and drinks after the AGM has been concluded at LSEG Auditorium.
To register your attendance for this AGM, please kindly email to agm@fmasg.org.sg. Attendance is reserved for all registered & fully paid-up FMAS members.
We appreciate that you confirm your attendance with us by Friday 6th January 2023. Please indicate in your email whether you will be attending the AGM physically or virtually. For members attending the AGM virtually, more details on the log-in for the virtual AGM will be shared with the registered participants nearer to the AGM date.
*Nomination and Voting is for FMAS Ordinary / Honorary / Institutional Members only, as per the Constitution.
For more details, please contact FMAS Secretariat at Secretariat@fmasg.org.sg or call 6732 0430.